How Far They’ll Go: Our K4 Graduation 他们将走多远:我们的幼儿园4岁班毕业典礼
Graduation season at YCIS Beijing is an electric time of year.
The air is charged with eager anticipation of the unfurling of ever-expanding realms of possibility for our talented scholars.
On Wednesday, 19 June, we held our annual ECE graduation ceremony for our K4 students in the school auditorium.
Our K4 graduation was an opportunity to recognise the achievements of the oldest of our ECE learners and mark one of life’s first significant educational milestones, the transition from ECE to Primary School.
Proud families and teachers met in the auditorium for the ceremony, which included musical performances by the tiny graduates.
Scan the QR code below to view more photos from the K4 graduation.
To read the rest of our article on the K4 graduation, click “Read More” below.
欲阅读我们关于4岁班毕业典礼的其余文章,请点击下面的“Read More”。
[K4 GRADUATION] Masters of Learning: K4's Graduation Ceremony 学习的主人:幼教部4岁班毕业典礼
[NEXT STEPS] ECE Transitions to Year 1 幼儿园到小学一年级的过渡
[KINDERGARTEN] Tips for the Transition to Kindergarten 成功第一步:让孩子平稳过渡到幼儿园生活